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Brugers pressemeddelser

Officielt Magasin
Brugers pressemeddelser: Marokko Jerryinroblox

MRC Season 56 F1 Preview

English 25.04.2024 - Everyone better brace themselves as the dawn of a new MRC F1 season awaits us as we anticipate yet another thrilling season in the top racing category, whether you are a massive follower of the series or a new spectator I'm sure you would be interest... Vis fuld meddelse

S50 Formula 1 Series Lineups

English 10.01.2023 - with only a few days until the start of S50, this is the perfect time to look at the driver line-ups for the upcoming season! 1- Porsche Alex Cooper / Milan Zakrajsek Jr. The reigning Constructors Champions have made the obvious choice o... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC S39 Week 9-10 Recap

English 03.12.2020 - The Recap Series make another return for the last time this season, this time, we will only mention F1 and Indycar, but do not worry! There will be another press release soon before the season ends with more in-depth look at the F1 driver market for ... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC S39 Week 5-6 Recap

English 02.11.2020 - Welcome to the (Unofficial) MRC Recap of Season 39 Weeks 5 and 6, where we highlight moments of the top series like Formula 1 and IndyCar NOTE : due to the lack of free time, this recap will about just 3 series, sorry for the inconvenience F...... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC S39 Week 3-4 Recap

English 20.10.2020 - Welcome to the (Unofficial) MRC Recap of week 3 and 4, where we highlight events that occurred in the last 2 weeks of the major MRC Series Formula 1 Spanish GP De Saint Germain gets pole position with Atelsek second, while home favourite Marc V... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC S39 Week 3-4 Recap

English 20.10.2020 - Welcome to the (Unofficial) MRC Recap of week 3 and 4, where we highlight events that occurred in the last 2 weeks of the major MRC Series Formula 1 Spanish GP De Saint Germain gets pole position with Atelsek second, while home favourite Marc V... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC S39 Week 1-2 Recap

English 07.10.2020 - Welcome to the (Unofficial) MRC Recap of Week 1 and 2, where we highlight what happend in some of the major series so let's start (and make sure to read the notice at the end of this release) FORMULA 1 New season, New Drivers, And of course ... Vis fuld meddelse

The MRC Recap Series to be brought back for next season

English 13.09.2020 - If any of you remember, at the start of last season season i made a recap of every 2 weeks, but i suddenly stopped due to being burnt down, but now im planning to bring the series back for next season, but i might need one or two people to help me, s... Vis fuld meddelse

Small update on the week 5-6 recap

English 29.05.2020 - I hate to say this but ive been so busy lately in my personal life that i was not able to get the Week 5-6 recap ready, i hope you all understand. We will skip straight to week 7-8 assuming i will be a little bit more free by then, in the meantime, c... Vis fuld meddelse

S37 Week 3-4 Recap

English 18.05.2020 - I would like to start by thanking everyone who liked the W1-2 Recap i did, your support encouraged me to do another one, so here is the MRC S37 week 3-4 (Unofficial) Recap where we look into what happend in the last two weeks in the Major MRC series ... Vis fuld meddelse

Strøtanker fra en nybegynder…

Dansk 31.03.2023 - Er man ny I det her game og føler man sig en smule lost, så kan jeg klart anbefale at blive fan af: Mercedes – AMG Petronas F1 (Tidligere Winfield Williams) Jeg blev fanget af at de annoncerede private akademi serier hvor man kunne måle sig mod... Vis fuld meddelse

Nations Cup Solin (U21)

Dansk 23.03.2020 - Endeligt lykkedes det .... Fra en startplads som nr.9 lykkedes det at vinde en Nations Cup løb !! Takker for opbakningen ;-) Dekany Vis fuld meddelse

Ny kører

Dansk 30.04.2019 - Må jeg anbefale at læse det danske forum med guide om opsætning af en ny kører? Vis fuld meddelse

Så kører det!

Dansk 26.04.2019 - Det lader til at seneste tids forøgede engagement både på og ved siden af banen, har båret frugt i Rookie Serie, for William Fyllgraf har på det seneste været at finde i toppen af tabellerne, både på podiet med i særdeleshed også under de betydningsf... Vis fuld meddelse


Dansk 29.06.2016 - Endelig efter en forfærdelig start på Rookie series er den unge kører Gustav Svenstrup kommet op i top 8 fra startposition 29 efter han udgik i Ungarns første løb på grund af tekniske problemer.Gustav siger efter dette løb i ungarn:Jeg er meget ked a... Vis fuld meddelse

ser lysere ud

Dansk 27.06.2016 - endelig lykkes det at komme på podiet med en 3 plads .. og hele holdet er meget stolt over det. Vis fuld meddelse

ser fremad nu

Dansk 15.05.2016 - Så lykkes det endelig ... vi kom i top 8 Vis fuld meddelse

Audi kigger tilbage - og træder frem!

Dansk 14.04.2016 - MRC F1 er en hård kamp for at være i, holdene er hårde, kørerne er hårde, at bygge en bil er hårdt, hårdt hårdt hårdt. Somme tider er det et hårdt miljø og du nødt til at ofre. For Audi Motorsport var S17 et offer - et nødvendigt onde – udvikling af ... Vis fuld meddelse

Lotus SW Racing ser dagens lys.

Dansk 26.03.2016 - Med køreren Tommi Madsen ved roret samt en stab af dygtige medarbejdere er projekt LOTUS SUPER WORLD RACING endelig blevet en realitet. Der vil være mange øjne der vil kigge over skuldrene når Tommi Madsen tester den første version af LOTUS raceren. ... Vis fuld meddelse

pas på her kommer team rasmussen

Dansk 23.07.2015 - nicklas rasmussen er klar til sit første formel 3 løb bilen spænder pas på for han er fandens hurtig Vis fuld meddelse

Audi kigger tilbage - og træder frem!

Dansk 14.04.2016 - MRC F1 er en hård kamp for at være i, holdene er hårde, kørerne er hårde, at bygge en bil er hårdt, hårdt hårdt hårdt. Somme tider er det et hårdt miljø og du nødt til at ofre. For Audi Motorsport var S17 et offer - et nødvendigt onde – udvikling af bilen var ikke eksisterende, kørerne var nødt til at ændre deres egne dæk i pitten og point ville aldrig komme til at ske. Men S17 er bag os, nu ser vi frem til S18. En ny start fortjener et nyt syn og et nyt udseende. Vi starter fra toppen med en n... Vis fuld meddelse

Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team Offers Free Car Liveries To MRC Users For Free

English 14.05.2024 - Now you can experience the thrill of racing in style with the iconic colors and designs of the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team right in the palm of your hand. These exclusive liveries will make your virtual race car stand out from the pack. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Fire up your engines, download the liveries, and get ready to race like never before with Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team! Link:https:... the file, then apply the file to your car from garage, just remember to take ri... Vis fuld meddelse

MRC Season 56 F1 Preview

English 25.04.2024 - Everyone better brace themselves as the dawn of a new MRC F1 season awaits us as we anticipate yet another thrilling season in the top racing category, whether you are a massive follower of the series or a new spectator I'm sure you would be interested about hearing everything involving the teams and drivers, the familiar faces and new comers alike, so buckle up as we explore everything Season 56 has to offer in the pinnacle of motorsports Disclaimer : Anything that comes off rude or anything... Vis fuld meddelse

Superlicense for free from Porsche Racing? Is it legal?

English 14.04.2024 - You might wonder why I am writing this press release. Am I against such an approach? Am I trying to demotivate people from accepting this deal with Porsche Racing? Check the full story... Vis fuld meddelse

Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free

English 10.04.2024 - Many seasons ago we have decided to start rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations, and we will continue to reward our supporters in the future too. In fact, we have increased few seasons ago. By regularly voting and logging in daily our supporters can earn enough points to get enough points to buy themselves a superlicence for the entire season. If you don’t know how to vote, you can check the video tutorial we’ve made: - th... Vis fuld meddelse

Bad crash in Marina bay singapore: Anderson left with career impacting injuries.

English 04.03.2024 - After a major crash in marina B\bay in an f4 race, that saw Cal Anderson skid upside down on his roof into the wall and have the roll hoop cave in on his, with debris flyin everywhere, one piece hit his right eye. Anderson has been reported to sustain a broken wrist and blindness in his right eye along with internal bleeding, and a hemorrhage to his brain (least of the concerns right now). They say Anderson went into a coma. Anderson has yet to wake up but is very likely to survive. The race was... Vis fuld meddelse

Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points

English 23.02.2024 - Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support. Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 54: ArtisMAKANS ...... coins) darklestat .... coins) JMC123 ........ coins) LionKing13 .... coins) UrošJelenko... 3.845 * - Porsche Racing shareholder We will continue to reward coins for your donations for season 54 too: - all donors of 1500+ voting points will receive 120 coins; - all donors of 1250 to 1499 voting point... Vis fuld meddelse

Future Of Mercedes F1 Team

English 30.01.2024 - In season 55 Mercedes F1 Team´s drivers are going to be JJ Lehto Jr & Oiva Haveri. [URL=http... 55 is going to be painful season to witness as this will most likely be our teams worst season since season 49, but it´s not the end of the world as if you want to focus on long term success in Midfield or higher Midfield, then after every Rule Regulation changes for smaller teams (Coin Flips which decide do you have to build new part completely, automatically means that next season at least is... Vis fuld meddelse

Aston Martin Fan Championship - Season 5

English 22.01.2024 - With the fifth edition of the “Aston Martin Fan Championship” having just ended, it is time to summarize what it was like. [b]Felipe Campolargo[/b] won his fifth title (obtaining 7 wins, 6 poles and 9 podiums) the newcomer to the Aston Martin Fan Cup [u]Ash Bee[/u] came 2nd (2 wins, 1 pole and 8 podiums) and [u]Vladimir Romadov[/u] came in 3rd (3 poles and 6 podiums). In 4th place was [u]Julianna Risko[/u] (1 victory and 2 podiums), [u]Noé Nogueira[/u] finished 5th (2 podiums) and [u]Jamie Th... Vis fuld meddelse

NASC driver fined for helmet antics

English 03.01.2024 - Spike Lundberg’s helmet hit his rival’s car three times before bystanders managed to pull him away. The three strikes netted him a $10,000 fine. Lundberg was taken straight to the NASC officials hauler at Daytona International Speedway, where race officials kept him for more than two hours after a NASC Silver Cup race ended. Lundberg finished in ninth place, a lap off the pace of winner Vaclav Raketa. Lundberg was involved in four on-track incidents, including one with Tsuyoshin Nakamoto that... Vis fuld meddelse
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